REHATRON™alpha is a gentle and fast working method, that allows for full regeneration after hardly treatable injurys, shortening rehab time and therefore bringing the horse faster back into the sport. The non-invasive induction therapy with REHATRON™alpha was originally designed for the use on humans and is used as such successfully in several european countrys. But of course REHATRON™alpha can be used for veterinarian purposes also.
Because of the proven effects of the non-invasive induction therapy on a cellular level and exspecially because of the activation of several different regeneration and healing processes directly in the cells one can safely say that the non-invasive induction therapy can offer support for animals with e.g. sprains, fractures, inflammations, degenerative diseases, allergies, eye complaints and several other illnesses. This kind of therapy is exspecially gentle for the animal as the therapy sessions only take a short amount of time (about ten minutes each session) and can reduce the amount of medications and injections that need to be given. In some cases even further surgerey can be avoided and therefore sometimes pain and stress intense rehabilitation time.
Experience has shown that horses, dogs and cats, apart from the first contact with the sound producing REHATRON™alpha appliance, tolerate the therapy serenely. Cats even rest voluntarly in the therapy loop when the appliance is working and sleep during therapy. At the end one would like to point out that there is no placebo effect in animal therapy and therefore the proven effects of the non-invasive induction therapy can show themselfes to vets, therapists and animal owners clearly and unbiasedly.
- Acute traumata (injurys, wounds, surgereys)
- Acute, chronic and degenerative processes in the range of
- Bone and cartilage
- Ligaments, tendons, joints and muscles
- Paranasal sinuses and teeth
- Eyes, nose and eares
- Lymph node and salivary glands
- Cervical spine and lumbar column
- Back
- Superficial organs
- Acute fractures
- Suspensory ligmanet injury
- Problems due to kissing spines
- Arthrosis and Arthritis
- Laminitis
- Podotrochleosis
- Pain management
The treatments with REHATRON™alpha in horses has further proven to strengthen the immune system through stimulation of the thymus gland and to build up the energy dynamic
Further Information
Law on Advertising in the Health Care System
For legal reasons we are obligated to inform the visitors of this website that our propositions and informations on the non-invasive induction therapy with REHATRON™alpha is not based on a promise of a healing success. Our information can further not be read as a guarantee or promise of relief or improvement of the disease condition.
Please further notice that the non-invasive induction therapy with REHATRON™alpha is not yet scientificly recognized and/or recognized by conventional medicine and/or a proven procedure. Further the effectivness has not been recognized by science or conventional medicine.
All statements made on this website about features and effects as well as indications for the procedure are based on findings and empirical values concerning the approach of the thereapy itself, which is not shared by the prevailing conventional medicine.